Saturday, May 28, 2011

ALL HAIL SEITAN! (steamer method)

Grimly already covered how to make a boiled seitan in a previous blog. Here is a method that steams the dough in a foil pack. The results are a more firm textured seitan that lends its self well to dishes like gyros, fried "chicken" strips, and fajitas, or anything else that you want a drier and more firm finished product. I sometimes have trouble getting the consistency right with the boiled seitan, this one makes it easier to get the same results time & again. If you're a seitan novice & keep failing with the boiled kind, give this one a try until you get the hang of making the dough. There are a few different variations for spices at the bottom of this recipe to try out, but also feel free to experiment with your own!

Steamed seitan


1 c vital wheat gluten

1/4c nutritional yeast

1 c cold water

seasoning mixes (see additional recipes for seasoning instructions)

Other equipment necessary:

large bowl


measuring spoons/cups

tin foil

electric steamer or steamer basket for the stove top

non-stick cooking spray


Place all dry ingredients in a large bowl, and stir with a fork until well mixed. Add in cold water. Stir with fork until well blended. Knead dough about 23-30 squeezes by hand to make sure all ingredients are well incorporated. Let dough rest 10 minutes or so, and knead dough again for another 2-3 minutes to build up elasticity.

Form dough into loaf type shape, keeping the loaf about 1" thick (will rise while steaming). Tear off tin foil sheet about 12" long. Spray shiny side of foil with cooking spray. Lay seitan loaf in center of foil. Fold tinfoil up around seitan loaf making an envelope type shape (be sure to leave room around loaf to allow dough to expand while steaming). Fold and pinch outside edges of foil together to make a tight seam (middle seam should be overlapping- it is ok if they are not pinched). Steam dough in foil envelope for about 55 minutes. Remove from steamer, and allow to cool for 5-10 minutes. Unwrap finished seitan, and slice as needed for recipe.

Chicken flavored seitan= 1 tbsp prepared poultry seasoning, 1 tsp onion powder, 1 tsp garlic powder. Add 1 tsp liquid smoke flavoing to the water used in recipe. (see chili lime fajita recipe for use in a recipe. Also good on its own for making fried "chicken" strips and etc)

Seitan gyros= 2 tbsp gyro seasoning (see seitan gyros with cucumber sauce recipe).

Mexican seitan= 3 tbsp- ¼ c prepared taco mix or other mexican seasoning. (can be pulsed in a food processor to make a ground taco "meat")

Here's the dough after mixing. Use cool water so it turns out spongy and elastic rather than a sticky, gooey mess.

On the foil, ready to be folded up.

Folded in the foil pack. Fold up one side, then the other so they overlap on top. Then fold the loose edges over several times to make the envelope. Be sure to leave about a half inch on all sides so the seitan an expand while cooking.

In the steamer, ready to be cooked.

A finished loaf of steamed seitan!

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