Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tofu Scramble - this is solid stuff!

Fear not “tofufobics”.... Here is a great breakfast (or anytime really,) Tofu Scramble recipe straight (well, changed mildly based upon available ingredients) from “Vegan With a Vengeance.” I've played with it a bit in the last few weeks to get it solid. I'm really loving it, as is my wife. For the big win though, I had my parents, who are both hardcore carnivores, over for breakfast today and each went back for seconds. The original labels salsa an addition – I would make it a staple. The salsa gives it just what it needs, a little kick which meshes nicely with the other flavors. This recipe serves 3 easily, especially if you are serving it up with other stuff.  I didn't have a chance to get a "serving shot."  The p's were HUNGRY.

Time: roughly 30 minutes, not including pressing the tofu
Difficulty: It looks rougher than it is


1 T olive oil
1 medium sized onion, diced
3 cloves garlic, crushed
1 package of extra firm tofu, defrosted* and pressed
¼ cup nutritional yeast
juice of ½ lemon
½ – 1 cup of water
1 cup of your favorite salsa

Spice blend:
2 t cumin
1 t thyme, crumbled
1 t paprika
½ t turmeric
1 t salt


  1. Heat oil over medium heat in large frying pan. When oil is ready, saute onion for a few minutes. Add crushed garlic, heat for 2 minutes.
  2. Add spice blend. After a few seconds, add ¼ cup of water and deglaze pan (scrape up anything sticking to the pan.)
  3. Chop/ crumble tofu and add to the pan. You want small chunks of tofu for texture. Stir occasionally for the next 15 minutes. You will likely need to add water occasionally to keep it all from sticking.
  4. Lower heat to medium low. Add lemon juice and nutritional yeast. Stir and mix. You may need a bit more water at this point.
  5. Add 1 cup of salsa. Mix it up for a minute and serve.
  6. I like to add a bit of heat to this. It works well with hot sauce if that is your thing.

*I will be addressing this in the next post, but freezing tofu after you buy it for a few days, and then defrosting it really helps a lot with texture and its absorbency abilities.

1. Onions, garlic, and spice blend.
2. Once the tofu has been added.
3.  The salsa has been added and it is ready to serve.

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