Sunday, May 29, 2011

Chili lemon seitan fajitas.

Need something to do with that steamed "chicken" seitan loaf you made? Try these! The chili & lemon pair nicely to give the seitan a rich flavor, that is warmly rounded out with the addition of a little garlic, cumin, and cayenne. These have a very bold flavor all on their own- I swear, you won't even miss the cheese!

1 loaf "chicken" seitan
2 bell peppers (color of choice)
1 medium/ large onion
2 tsp minced garlic (in olive oil)
2 tbsp olive oil
1/4 c lemon juice

Spice blend:
1 tbsp chili powder
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1/2 tsp salt
1/8- 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper (depending on how hot you want)


1. Mix all ingredients from the spice blend together well. Slice the seitan loaf into 1/4" strips, then turn the strips on their side so they are laying flat and slice them up the middle long ways so they are half as thick. Set aside.

2. Start heating the oil in a large pan over medium/high heat. Add minced garlic, and stir occasionally so it won't burn.

3. Chop your onion to thick slices. When the garlic is sizzling in the oil, add onion. Stir occasionally so it won't burn. while you clean and chop your peppers into chunky strips.

4. Once the onion is starting to go translucent, add the peppers to the oil. Cover with a lid and sautee for about 5-7 minutes, stirring frequently. A little browning on the veggies is fine, but you definitely don't want them to get too browned. Veggies are ready for the seitan to be added when the onion is completely translucent, and the peppers have begun to soften.

5. Add the seitan strips, and stir occasionally. Cook until the strips are a little browned. About 6minutes. (cook for 3, then stir to flip the seitan over, and cook for another 3.)

6. Add lemon juice, and stir around well to deglaze pan. Add spice blend, and stir well again. Be careful not to end up with large clumps of spice & lemon stuck to the veggies & seitan. You want it to be pretty uniformly coated. You can add a tbsp of water or 2 if you need to to get it this way. Reduce heat to low, cover and let cook for about 5 more minutes, stirring occasionally.

7. Remove from heat, and serve with flour tortillas, or on large romaine lettuce leaves (if watching your calories).

8. Get out the tequila, margaritas, or mexican beer & ENJOY!

~ Jamie Monster~

Seitan sliced into fajita sized strips.

The onions have gone translucent, and the peppers are just starting to soften- time to add the seitan!

After adding the spices, & everything is mixed up & ready to serve.

Ready to NOM, served on romaine lettuce leaves instead of tortillas. (you can use tortillas, though.)

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